EnLite Care

Human Care services with
clinical history to OMS Standards

Do you need
or Caregivers
for a loved one?

EnLite is the ideal company for those who are looking for quality and trust for themselves or their family.

Therapeutic Companions

Our team of professionals is highly trained and committed to providing the best care possible, always matching the needs of our patients with the well-being of their families.

We're here to help, always!

We offer a wide range of customized services, which can be tailored to one’s specific needs. Choose EnLite Care to take care of you and your family.

Helping Patients and Their Familiesto find the best solutions by
building a personalized Therapeutic Project.

We know that our patients and their families are immersed in helplessness and darkness, not knowing what treatment to follow, what goals they should achieve and what expectations are achievable in the short, medium and long term.

Before you start, you need to prioritize the essentials:
To find the best solutions, we first build a personalized Therapeutic Project to meet the needs of each person involved in the recovery process.

Are you ready to get the quality care you need?

Admission Appointment


Therapeutic Project

Daily Reports
for monitoring

Data Driven Science

Benefits of our servicesThere are several reasons why our customers choose EnLite Care

Provide social and physical stimulation

Preserving independence and feelings of self-worth

Improves health and quality of life

Therapeutic Project, Routine and Daily Expectations

Reducing hospital risk

Quality of life for the patient

Safety for the family

Faster recovery and closeness to family

We light your path to recovery

What are the functionsof a therapeutic companion?

What are the functionsof a caregiver?

Packages for Human CareChoose the package that's right for you!

Social Care

2 events per month
Total 8h per month
Accompaniment in medical appointments, appointments, procedures, purchases and/or others
Admission Appointment Free
Book Now

Cognitive Care

4 events per month
Total 16h per month
To generate an improvement in the patient's cognitive and mental health.
Admission Appointment Free
Book Now

Total Care

1 event per year
Up to 120 hours
Accompaniment for people who have no one to leave their relatives in case of traveling.
Admission Appointment Free
Book Now

Human Care and
Integral Mental Health

Tailor-made plan for health plans

If you work in an institution, whether it is health, education or another that you think we can help and you want to have our services for all your members or patients, contact us! We have unique plans to deliver the solution you need nationally and internationally.

Integral Health

12 month coverage
Therapeutic Companions
up to 120 hours per year
Psychology Professional
01 Monthly Therapy Session

More than 100 patients in daily care
and +300 patients with medical discharge

What Our Patients & Families Say

A experiência que senti com você mudou minha vida... Obrigado por me acompanhar no pior momento da minha vida.
Buenos Aires
Queria agradecer por toda sua paciência que tiveram comigo, por estar lá quando eu precisava de mais, sem me julgar. Obrigado!
Buenos Aires
Obrigado por se juntar a mim e sempre me escute... Obrigado à vida por cruzá-los meu caminho
Buenos Aires
Eu não conseguiria passar por tudo isso sem você.
Buenos Aires
Obrigado por um ano cheio de ensinamentos e metas cumpridas. Obrigado por sempre estar lá quando eu preciso de você
Buenos Aires
Meu pai já está em casa, começando uma NOVA VIDA. Obrigado por toda a ajuda que você nos deu ao longo de 2020 e especialmente nos últimos dias.
Buenos Aires
Aproveito para agradecer! Com você estamos mais do que satisfeitos, eles sempre se comportaram muito bem; Foi muito confortável estar em casa.
Buenos Aires
Aprendi a procurar ajuda e posso dizer que fiquei sobrecarregada e sobrecarregada. Sei que temos que seguir em frente e me sinto mais preparado para procurar uma saída.
Buenos Aires
Nesses dois anos acompanhado por você aprendi muito com meu AT. A verdade é que estou triste e feliz... Triste porque sentirei falta de tudo e feliz porque agora posso continuar sozinho. Obrigado por se juntar a mim.
Ah, vou estudar para ser AT e trabalhar com você.
Buenos Aires

What Our Professionals Say

Muito obrigado pela confiança e apoio que nos dão o cuidado de cada paciente, sempre que precisamos deles eles estão para nos ajudar em tudo, para continuar trabalhando com muita dedicação e amor todos juntos que é a base de tudo.
Buenos Aires
Obrigado por confiar em mim. Obrigado por me dar a oportunidade de trabalhar na EnLite, estou animado, desculpe. Porque a verdade é que são pessoas muito calorosas, de todos os setores. Sou uma pessoa muito grata por fazer parte.
Acompanhante Terapêutico
Buenos Aires
São profissionais envolvidos e se saem muito bem, parabéns! Estou muito feliz em conhecer suas vozes! Obrigado!!!
Acompanhante Terapêutico
Buenos Aires
São profissionais envolvidos e fazem muito bem, parabéns! Sou feliz por conhecer vocês! Gratidão!!!
Acompanhante Terapêutico
De todo o coração, eu não trabalharia com nenhuma outra empresa além de vocês, e mesmo embora eu pudesse ter levado um acompanhamento particular, eu o encaminhei para você; Porque sinto o respeito e o carinho com que me tratam.
Acompanhante Terapêutico
Buenos Aires
Obrigada, Ana e Marcel por fazer eu participar deste projeto maravilhoso que com certeza traz mudança na vida das pessoas.
Acompanhante Terapêutico

Our AdvantagesCommunity of people passionate about quality in human care


All of our caregivers and therapeutic companions are certified and trained to provide individualized health services.

Highly qualified

Our professionals are highly qualified and receive constant additional training at EnLite Learn to stay informed of any developments in the industry.


Our caregivers make every effort to understand each patient’s needs and requirements and work hard to care for them professionally.


The safety of our clients is always our priority, which is why all our professionals go through a rigorous selection process where we evaluate based on personal and professional documents, including the National Criminal Background Check and the application of Psychological Evaluations.


Communication is key! Our professionals speak different languages and we always do our best to put our clients in touch with professionals who can connect culturally naturally, developing a more fluid and comfortable relationship.


At the heart of every exceptional professional is a genuine sense of compassion and empathy. We are proud to say that we understand, care and love what we do.

Why be an TA?

Individuals and families need serious professionals for follow-up and humane care for themselves or their loved ones.
In addition to being a profession that gives you academic and professional experience, nowadays the demand for TAs is increasing.

Agreements and Insurances Accepted

Eligibility and Managed Long-Term Care Plans
pela EnLite Health Solutions

EnLite Health Solutions has built a recognized reputation over the past seven years as one of the best human care clinics in Argentina. We are proud to partner with the world’s leading healthcare providers to help your family. We understand the challenges of visiting a clinic and being told your plan is not accepted. Instead of switching plans, we highly recommend that you get to know EnLite Care to avoid the hassle of switching from the health and care management plans you’re used to.

Do you have any questions?Review the answers to the questions we receive the most.